The Return of Mr. and Mrs. Duck
The first time they came, I thought they were on their honeymoon - the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Duck, back from some sunny southern resort. I mean, don't ducks usually migrate in groups? I guess my backyard pool offered a more private layover than the overpopulated pond at City Park. Oh well, it was March and my pool was still in winter mode, so I didn't mind.
They came back every year. Sometimes they would hang around for a while...I guess they decided pool living was pretty damn good. They would take off when it was time to clean the pool out, only because of the disruption to their daily routine. Of course, within days they would return to the clean sparkling water...much to the boy's dismay. "THE GOD DAMN DUCKS ARE BACK!!!" he'd yell. I would turn and look out the window and smile. I know, I should have probably shared his concerned with the fact that they were shitting in our pool, but hey...isn't that what chlorine is for? Plus, they were usually gone by late June when I'm ready to get in (I am a wuss. It must be hot, hot, HOT outside. And the water must be like, 90 degrees, haha). By then, they were long gone. Back to their northern home, wherever it may be.
Anyway, somehow it didn't make me angry in the least. Quite the opposite, in fact. I liked Mr. and Mrs. Duck - so they came to be known. They were reliable. Even when the pool died and was resurrected, they returned. They didn't seem to mind that their home was now a shallower cheaper version of its former self. Always content were Mr. and Mrs. Duck. Life goes on...
And so this morning, I woke up like any other, bleary-eyed as I fed Quincy. I stumbled out onto the back porch to let him out and paused... There they were. Back in town and pleased as punch, circling around the murky winter pool water with their heads up and chests puffed out. I smiled and thought of two things:
1. In the midst of all the changes in my life during this past winter - good, bad, and wonderful - it is nice to know that some things NEVER change.
2. The force of nature is strong, like the force of love. I can not really explain either of the two, but they are undeniable and they must be intertwined. Even the skeptical scientist in me will admit that.
I am ok with not knowing how or why.
They came back every year. Sometimes they would hang around for a while...I guess they decided pool living was pretty damn good. They would take off when it was time to clean the pool out, only because of the disruption to their daily routine. Of course, within days they would return to the clean sparkling water...much to the boy's dismay. "THE GOD DAMN DUCKS ARE BACK!!!" he'd yell. I would turn and look out the window and smile. I know, I should have probably shared his concerned with the fact that they were shitting in our pool, but hey...isn't that what chlorine is for? Plus, they were usually gone by late June when I'm ready to get in (I am a wuss. It must be hot, hot, HOT outside. And the water must be like, 90 degrees, haha). By then, they were long gone. Back to their northern home, wherever it may be.
Anyway, somehow it didn't make me angry in the least. Quite the opposite, in fact. I liked Mr. and Mrs. Duck - so they came to be known. They were reliable. Even when the pool died and was resurrected, they returned. They didn't seem to mind that their home was now a shallower cheaper version of its former self. Always content were Mr. and Mrs. Duck. Life goes on...
And so this morning, I woke up like any other, bleary-eyed as I fed Quincy. I stumbled out onto the back porch to let him out and paused... There they were. Back in town and pleased as punch, circling around the murky winter pool water with their heads up and chests puffed out. I smiled and thought of two things:
1. In the midst of all the changes in my life during this past winter - good, bad, and wonderful - it is nice to know that some things NEVER change.
2. The force of nature is strong, like the force of love. I can not really explain either of the two, but they are undeniable and they must be intertwined. Even the skeptical scientist in me will admit that.
I am ok with not knowing how or why.

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