"I love your boobs!"
So, I've just been enrolled in the Special Immunizations Program at Ft. Detrick because of some new projects coming in at work that will require me to work with even more crazy pathogens than I already do. As a courtesy of our US Army I'll now be taking limited and experimental vaccines as a precaution for working with select agents in the lab. Anyway, I went in for my preliminary physical and after peeing in a cup, having blood drawn, etc, they said that they had to do an EKG. So, they sent me down the hall where I was received by a very nice woman who took me into a small room and proceeded to tell me that I would have to undress completely from head to waist. Ok, no problem. I had to put on one of those paper shirts (open end in front!) so she could assault me with all the crazy stickies and wires necessary for the EKG. She left, I squirmed out of my shirt and bra, donned the lovely paper blouse, and laid back down. When she came in, she began to put the stickies all over my chest without much disturbing my paper clothing. However, when she had to connect everything, she was forced to invade that...*ahem* space. Still, I am not modest, so I was not concerned. But THEN...at the exact moment that she peels back my paper shirt, she exclaims, "Oh I love your boobs! They're so cute!" I froze...processing the comment...glanced side to side, searching for the hidden camera...then looked back up at her, no doubt with a very perplexed look on my face. "Oh, thanks..." I said, trailing off. I awkwardly looked away. A few moments later (which seemed like an eternity, of course), I looked down at my feet and then I realized...OHHHH, she said "BOOTS"!!!!!!!! Yeah, I was wearing my cherry rain boots. Duh, boots. Not boobs. I felt like an ass, but DAMN she could have said THAT at a better time. I mean, wow. I've received many comments on my boobs...but never that they are "cute", hahaha. Enormous, yes. Cute, no.

Very funny....
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