The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
It's been one of those weeks. Busy and full of a roller coaster of emotions. Sorry to have to roll it all into one, but I'll try to keep it relatively short.
::The Bad::
Bad news first, of course. So...after all this worrying about the art show...I didn't get in. I got an email regarding the show with the list of artists and...I wasn't on it. Apparently they had a lot of artists register and it came down to an issue of first-come, first-serve. I registered relatively late, I guess. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make it for financial reasons and scheduling conflicts. You'd think they'd tell you when it was full, but no. I registered, thought it was on, told all my friends, and got all excited. *sigh*
::The Ugly::
My face has officially become an unavoidable disaster. I don't know why I'm having this much trouble with my skin at the age of 25. I've never had great skin...and it's usually not this bad. Just in the last couple of months...seems like it decides to completely spazz out every couple of years. Yesterday was my long-awaited appointment with my dermatologist. I'm going to take an antibiotic for about a month (which I hate, but at least it will make things better fast) and try yet another topical. I'm not even sure why I'm writing about this really...I just hate going to the doctor and even more I hate talking about my skin and getting upset around strangers. I don't know, I feel ugly and it fit into the title, so there it is.
::The Good::
Saving the best for last. Saturday was Brooke and Evan's wedding - a glorious and fun so-happy-you-cried kinda day. Despite the fact that I was in the bridal party, I still managed to take a million pictures, which was great. I had a blast. There really isn't much else to say except congratulations to two of the bestest and cutest people I know. I don't want you to move to Michigan!!! But hopefully it won't be long until Andrew and I make it up there, too. The time in between will be sad and double anti-unfun, though. =/
::The Bad::
Bad news first, of course. So...after all this worrying about the art show...I didn't get in. I got an email regarding the show with the list of artists and...I wasn't on it. Apparently they had a lot of artists register and it came down to an issue of first-come, first-serve. I registered relatively late, I guess. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make it for financial reasons and scheduling conflicts. You'd think they'd tell you when it was full, but no. I registered, thought it was on, told all my friends, and got all excited. *sigh*
::The Ugly::
My face has officially become an unavoidable disaster. I don't know why I'm having this much trouble with my skin at the age of 25. I've never had great skin...and it's usually not this bad. Just in the last couple of months...seems like it decides to completely spazz out every couple of years. Yesterday was my long-awaited appointment with my dermatologist. I'm going to take an antibiotic for about a month (which I hate, but at least it will make things better fast) and try yet another topical. I'm not even sure why I'm writing about this really...I just hate going to the doctor and even more I hate talking about my skin and getting upset around strangers. I don't know, I feel ugly and it fit into the title, so there it is.
::The Good::
Saving the best for last. Saturday was Brooke and Evan's wedding - a glorious and fun so-happy-you-cried kinda day. Despite the fact that I was in the bridal party, I still managed to take a million pictures, which was great. I had a blast. There really isn't much else to say except congratulations to two of the bestest and cutest people I know. I don't want you to move to Michigan!!! But hopefully it won't be long until Andrew and I make it up there, too. The time in between will be sad and double anti-unfun, though. =/

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