I'm just a curbside prophet with a turd in my pocket...
On Sunday, Andrew and I went to the Common Market in Frederick before my soccer game. We're standing in line, waiting for the cashier to finish scanning our groceries. I'm fidgeting my hands around inside the front pocket of my hoodie when suddenly I felt a small treasure fall into my right hand. I pulled it out to see what it was... It was a turd. A guinea pig turd in my pocket. Actually it was half a guinea pig turd in my pocket - old and dry with hairs and fuzzies stuck to it. One can only guess how it got there. It really makes you wonder...doesn't it...?

I found your blog via Flickr and looking through some of your amazing images. We used to have two guinea pigs that look exactly like these two, named Pepper and Paprika, but Pepper just passed away last week.
I just wanted to say that this picture and story brightened my day a bit! Thank you!
Fellow Marylander
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