I smiled when I saw my sister's face at the door. Then there were my parents. They came without hugs. We fussed over the animals and over getting the rest of the food heated and set out.
We stared and chewed. We talked about the food. My sister and I exchanged retarded faces. Let's be honest, she's the only thing fun about family time. Recently, I've come to realize that I have no idea who my parents are. I don't know what they do, I don't know what they like. I have a theory that neither of them really like anything at all. I guess when I was younger, I thought all this was normal. If one of them died today, I would have no idea what to say about them at their funeral. "Mom went to church a lot...she really liked reading books...And she liked the color purple..." It bothered me for a while...but it really didn't motivate me to "talk" to them or spend more time with them. I think I've realized...I really don't care. I'm serious. Maybe I'm a terrible person, but I prefer to blame them. You get what you give, ya know?
So, we stuffed our faces and sat around making more lame conversation, just waiting for the moment when we'd have room for pie. Pie. Coffee.
They left without hugs.
Thanksgiving is silly. But I do like cooking and eating lots.